Monday, September 01, 2008

Happy September 1st!

I'm going to try do be more active with my blogging this month. I'm going to challenge myself to blog everyday during the month of September. So here's to a month of rambling!! :D

This weekend was the big 105th anniversary celebration of Harley Davidson in Milwaukee. I live about 45 minutes north of downtown Milwaukee and let me tell ya, the rumbling was going loud and strong ALL weekend!! There were several bands playing all weekend in my town too. Lynyrd Skynyrd was playing at our fair ground last Wednesday. I must have been hiding under a rock lately b/c I didn't even know he was in town until after the event.

My friend Leah reunited with the band, The Indispensable Hiptones, that she used to play in and played downtown MKE yesterday. Her plan was to wear her leather vest and her jeans and leather chaps. It was very warm out this weekend and she said she just couldn't do the chaps. She was a little sad b/c she really wanted to wear them up on stage.

Let me just say that I really love my little iPhone. Like today. I'm at home and hubby went to the store to get a curtain for the window downstairs (yes, you read that right. HE wanted to go to the store to get one (shaking my head)), and he calls be b/c their are 2 different ones and he didn't know which to get. He tried to explain them both to me and finally he said let me just snap a picture and send it to you. So he took the photo, emailed it to me and then my phone went buzzz meaning I had a new email. So I said hold on, let me look. Then proceeded to pull up the email he sent me on my iPhone. I know this may sound silly, but if you think about how far technology has come in the past couples of years, this really is awesome!! :D Thou, depending on where you are at the moment your using your phone, it may take longer than you wish to even get your email. BUT.....I just know within the next few years that will all change.

ok, I think this is it for now. I'm getting tired. And plus I need to save stuff for tomorrow.

peace out~